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Nicole DannaSupport the independent voice of South Florida and help keep the future of New Times free.
If you aren't the type to be overwhelmed by a menu with 'too many' options, you probably love buffets. No longer reserved for hotel holiday celebrations, you are free to eat a made-to-order omelet beside fresh-carved turkey and King crab legs, all for less than the cost of your average restaurant entree, any day of the year.
These days, fancy buffets are big business, especially at casinos. And they aren't the budget-conscious bargains you'll find at Golden Corral. No, these are gourmet productions with high-end seafood, specialty cuts of beef, and fancy pastries.
Casinos In South Florida Map
Miami Jai-Alai is one of the biggest casinos in Miami. If you want to have fun it might be the right place for you, and with its machines and tables, you will feel like i 0 reviews. Seminole Hard Rock Casino. 1 Seminole Way Hollywood, FL 33314 Phone: 1-866-502-PLAY (7529) Features one of the largest gaming floors in the city with 2,500 slots.
While Broward County might not have any Las Vegas-style buffets worth raving about, we do have the next best thing: a megasize, all-you-can-eat gourmet buffet in Dania Beach.
List Of Casinos In Florida
The Casino at Dania Beach. Dania Beach Blvd., Dania Beach; 844-794-6244; Nicole Danna is a food writer covering Broward and Palm Beach counties. To get the latest in food and drink news in South Florida, follow her @SoFloNicole or find her latest food pics on the BPB New Times Food & Drink Instagram. Bellagio, Venetian, New York, Mandalay Bay, all of the big names and the Hard Rock Casino in Tampa holds its own for Florida scale and size. All of the Vegas hotels are huge and this casino is right along with them. The buffet at Fresh Harvest is as good or better than that of Bellagio with a better price for the food and drinks.
In January, the Casino at Dania Beach unveiled its all-new, $60 million gaming center after closing the original 5,000-seat stadium and Jai Alai court in 2014 for renovations. Today, the flashy new gambling oasis features a 21-table poker room, 880 slot machines, a concert venue, jai alai, a simulcast area, and an electronic gaming room with blackjack, roulette, and craps.
And, of course, there's Luxe, currently the area's largest all-you-can-eat buffet, according to Scott Savin, chief executive officer of the Casino at Dania Beach.
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'Luxe is sure to become a South Florida culinary gem,' said Savin. 'Diners will get the opportunity to feast on world-class fare while enjoying topnotch entertainment, all under one roof.'
So what makes Luxe so, well, luxe? According to Savin, the restaurant offers one of the area's largest, most extensive selections, from food stations to made-to-order options showcasing Italian-, Asian-, and Mexican-inspired cuisine.
Biggest Casino In Florida
The restaurant, located on the second floor of the casino, operates Friday and Saturday with a dinner buffet. The spread showcases a number of standard and eclectic offerings. Available from 6 to 11 p.m. for $25 per person, selections will change frequently but include unique bonuses such as a raw bar, ceviche station, create-your-own pasta station, salad bar, and artisanal charcuterie boards.
A dessert bar will be a main attraction, with selections created by acclaimed Miami pastry chef Hedy Goldsmith as well as a create-your-own sundae bar.
On Sunday, the chef swaps out late-night eats for a special Sunday brunch, served from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for $21 per person. Bottomless mimosas are also available for an additional $15 per person. The Sunday-only brunch menu will offer an equally impressive number of hot and cold breakfast stations, including an oatmeal station, breakfast carving station, griddle station, and salad bar.
If you've got kids, bring them. Children ages 9 and under eat free all weekend long.
The Casino at Dania Beach. 301 E. Dania Beach Blvd., Dania Beach; 844-794-6244;
Casino Hotels In South Florida
Nicole Danna is a food writer covering Broward and Palm Beach counties. To get the latest in food and drink news in South Florida, follow her @SoFloNicole or find her latest food pics on the BPB New Times Food & Drink Instagram.
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